Endorsed by Which?

Cridge Auto Services Ltd


11 Reviews

Opening Hours
Today - 08:00–17:00
  • Monday 08:00–17:00
  • Tuesday 08:00–17:00
  • Wednesday 08:00–17:00
  • Thursday 08:00–17:00
  • Friday 08:00–17:00
  • Saturday - Closed
  • Sunday - Closed


Cridge Auto Services Ltd is a friendly and professional family run business. Established in February 2007 we are situated on the Whitehill Industrial park in Wootton Bassett.

We pride ourselves on old fashioned values which when used with the very latest equipment gives us the perfect combination for your motoring needs.

Uniquely, we are Wootton Bassett’s only Class 7, Mini bus (up to 16 seats) and Motorcycle MOT Testing Station.

MOTs on Cars Vans Mini buses and Motorcycles are carried out on the latest ATL equipment. All MOTs are carried out by appointment while you wait.

Servicing, mechanical repairs and welding are carried out to all makes of vehicle by professional experienced staff to a high standard in our spacious well equipped workshop.

What we do

  • Car repairs, servicing and MOTs

    • MOT testing stations
    • Brake and clutch replacement

Customer reviews

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11 reviews
Customer Service
Outstanding Service
Customer Service
We have had Cridge Auto Services look after all of our personal cars and company vans for over 6 years and in that time their service has been exemplary in terms of their professional approach and customer focus.
Which? Trusted Traders Consumer Posted on 05/03/2018 , work completed 05/03/2018
The trader replied (on 11/05/2018)
We understand that running a business is hard and finding time to review us is very much appreciated. As with all our customers we treat your vehicles as if they were our own. We have built up a trust over the years and we always look forward to seeing you even if it is for quick cuppa and a chat.