We are becoming increasingly impressed with the capabilities of the system which you installed in October of last year. Throughout the whole of the darkest months, not a day went by when we did not get some power off the roof, the lowest being just 0.17 Kwh on the 16th January. It was hardly to wondered at that during these darker days we did not accumulate very much stored power in the Powerwall, although I don’t suppose that there were more than a handful of occasions when there was nothing in it. However since the days have started to lengthen we have noticed a very real change in the behavior of the system with every day showing overall (cloud cover permitting) a net gain of power output over the last. This last fortnight, however, has been a revelation with Powerwall attaining full charge for the first time on the 11th Feb, and barely a day since when it has fully discharged. But yesterday was a real landmark, not only did the array fully charge the Powerwall but for three hours in the afternoon we exported to grid for the first time since the battery was connected, and we generated 13.10 Kwh, the highest yet, with the Sun hardly at a high point in the sky. The four panels on the SSE facing aspect of the extension start putting out power by about 9:00 am in good weather and while the main heft is later in the day, from the 10 panels mounted on SW aspect. That start in the morning is enough to stop drawing on the battery at least and put it into standby. So without seeming to gush about this, we are very pleased with this, especially since we had advice some time ago that our house was not suitable for a Solar array, and would be happy to be a referee for any intending customers in the future. All in all we are delighted, although I am glad that in the end we were initially put off e during which time storage became possible and affordable, because without doubt that is a game changer. We foresee days at a stretch now, when we are off the grid altogether for our domestic power. Very best wishes,